Scripophily site
a collection of historic bonds
and shares
History / Geschiedenis
(update: 6-1-2024)
Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen - Wederikweg
114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; email: [email protected]
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The Netherlands
Chr. Hist. Persvereeniging "Groen van Prinsterer"
gev. te Rotterdam; goedgekeurd bij Kon. Besl. in 1920; Obligatie aan toonder groot f 25
(oplage # = 200); serie II, Rotterdam, 1922; 24 bij 30 cm.; Art-Deco
sierrand in zw/w., oranje gedrukt bel. stempel; lees meer over Groen van Prinsterer,
conditie VF-: 2 maal gevouwen, in R en L rand 1 cm scheurtje en lichte
vlek onderin; aanhangend couponresten; prijs 250 Euro.
Festival Historisch Vervoer
Oudkarspel, (NH), 1985; geel-zwarte EMAILLE
PLAAT (9 bij 9 cm) op koper met afb. van oude auto, vliegtuig, motorfiets
en tractor; op achterkant dezelfde afbeeldingen op koper en logo van "De
Vergulde Krakeling", prijs 25 Euro.
Juliana-Bank tot bevordering van den bouw van Christelijke
scholen, gev. te Amsterdam
(Engl.: Juliana-Bank for the furtherance of the building of Christian
Juliana was born in 1909. She was Queen of the Netherlands from 1948-1980
and was marrried in 1937 to Prins Bernhard von Lippe Bisterfeld from Germany.
Established in 1920; rare SPECIMENS from the archives of the famous printing
firm Debussy, Amsterdam May 1st 1932,
---------- 4,5 % Obligatie (bond) van f 100, brown decorative border,
1 vertical perforation, with coupon sheet, EF +, price 75 Euro.
---------- 4,5 % Obligatie (bond) van f 500, green decorative border,
1 vertical perforation, with coupon sheet, EF +, price 75 Euro.
---------- 4,5 % Obligatie (bond) van f 1000, blue decorative border,
1 vertical perforation, with coupon sheet, EF +, price 75 Euro.
set of all 3 types: 195 Euro.
Koninklijke Textielfabrieken Batavier
gev. te Winterswijk (0); Bewijs van 10 gewone
aandelen van f 100 = f 1000 t.n.v. Lind, Jarman & Westerouwen van
Meeteren & Co., Winterswijk, 30-4-1974; no 884; blauwe sierrand op grijs
patroon, drukkerij Spin/van Mantgem; in 1975 overgeschr. tnv Th.M.J.H.Hustinx
en in 1977 tnv J.F.Koopmans; VF: los couponblad met Scotch tape bevstigd
aan hoofdblad; iets kreukelig in boven- en onderrand, 2 minieme nietjesgaten,
75 Euro.
Lees meer over de geschiedenis der Batavieren /
Read more on the history of the Bataves
Click here for insurance policies
/ company letters with beautiful illustrations of Bataves / Batavieren
Stichting Sint Bonifatius Hospitaal
gev. te Leeuwarden, obligatie f 1000 in 7,25% leening 1968, groot 6 miljoen,
Leeuwarden 3 dec. 1968; druk: c.a.Spin & Zoon, A'dam; vierkant oranje
bel.zegel; wit gepreegd zegel; los couponblad, donker groene sierrand op
groen, 13 ontwaardingsgaten, ongevouwen; prijs 25 Euro.
Op school leerden we dat Bonifatius in 754 te dokkum (Fr.) is vermoord:
lees de geschiedenis.
Compagnie Impériale des Chemins de Fer Éthiopiens
established in 1896; Action de 500 Francs,
Paris, 1899; size: 32 by 42 cm.; 23 by 15 cm engraving by the famous military
painter and illustrator Louis Charles Bombled (1862-1927) of the Ethiopian
emperor Menelik II awaiting an oncoming train on his horse, accompanied
by merchants with camels. Imprimerie Chaise, Paris; coupons on the back, condition
EF: unfolded, price 135 Euro.
The Swiss engineer Alfred Ilg, minister under emperor Menelik II, convinced
him to build this railway from the coast inland bound, ca. 78 km. over mountans
2.424 m. high. It was a small size track from Djibouti, along Harare, Antotto
and Kaffa to the White Nile and Addis Abeba. The money was raised in France
that had a strategic interest in the area after the Abessinian war with Italy.
The track was completed in 1917, one year aftter the death of Alfred
Ilg. (source: Benecke & Rehse, 2004).
France / Frankrijk

La Juranconne S.A.
(Producer of liqueur)
Action de 100 Francs au porteur; Paris
1928; impr.: union des arts graphique, 41 rue riches; 2 origin.
signatures, size ca. 24 by 33 cm, with 3 engravings:
1) 8 by 9 cm: baptism of Henry IV, with this liqueur (see bottle
on the table)!
2) 8 by 9 cm: noble man kneeling before bishop
3) round 4 cm: Henry IV and text "Henricus IV AVG Christianiss";
red company seal with swords and dagger; blue decorative border with
French Lilly signs; price 150 Euro.
Marathon Manufacturing Company
Incorporated in 1969 under Delaware law, USA; The company was founded by
Howard Terry, originally as Business Funds Inc. It built oil rigs world
wide. The company also owned the John Brown Shipyards that once built the
HMS Hood, the Queen Elisabeth, and QE2. Later the company was acquired by
Penn Central Corporation during its diversification phase (Source: Collectible
Stocks and Bonds).
certificate of 100 shares, 1970s,
orange border and 6,5 by 5,5 cm. engraving of a muscular man holding
a burning torch and globe in front of 2 Greek buildings, at his feet a laurel
wreath of olive twigs; print: Security Columbian Banknote Co.; condition EF:
unfolded, no staple traces, no cancellation stamp, price 25 Euro.
In 490 BC the people of Athens (now the capital of Greece) gained (under
leadership of Miltiades) the victory over their enemies, the Persians (under
leadership of Datis) in the battle of Marathon, a small site on the north
east coast of Attica. A messenger ran so quickly to Athens (about 40 km
away) to bring the good news that he died upon arrival. This "Marathon walk"
has always remained part of the Olympic Games, over a measure of 40,195
meters. (source: ENSIE, part X).
Mayflower Investors, Inc., (laws of Delaware), x shares (x= 1000), 1975,
blue border. This certificate was run over by some black figure rolling device,
making the certificate less than clean, but the very interesting vignette
is unaffected, price 57 Euro.
Vignette: beautiful vignette of the sailing ship Mayflower, that brought
the segregated protestant British settlers, called the Pilgrim Fathers, ashore
in Massachusets in 1620.
Incorporated in 1987 under Pennsylvania law; x shares, blue border, 1988;
7 by 6 cm. vignette of a man in 18th century
suit, holding a sealed document; EF, unfolded, 23 Euro.
See page on explanations,
sales conditions, costs of shipping and on how to order and to pay.
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